The history of classical natural medicine
Hildegard von Bingen, Kneipp and Paracelsus also used classic natural medicine, which was then considered to be the standard medicine. Our modern form of medicine finally developed from this initially rather mystical view of the world.
The basis of the now “old” medicine was not the consideration of technical data, such as laboratory tests or radiological images, but the influence of natural forces on the individual body. The classical natural healing, as we offer them today in our practice in Frankfurt am Main, made it possible to “broaden the horizons”, which was famous at that time.
Everyone knows that there are different symptoms in different seasons and weather conditions in different ways and with different intensity. However, the corresponding developments do not always lead to illness. In the context of classical naturopathy, the differences with regard to human typologies have to be considered. If a person is balanced in his constitution and the regulatory mechanisms in the body function smoothly, then this person falls ill less frequently than someone whose self-healing powers are not in harmony with his surroundings.